Cover Letter

Who am I

I am a student. I am somebody, somebody who wants to become somebody. These words have echoed in my mind for as long as I can remember. I am a kid who comes from one of the poorest school districts in New York and potentially all of the United States; despite this fact, I have valued my education and hope to break the cycle of poverty my family has endured for generations. I come from a family of humble folk who works hard to feed their families, even if it means working multiple jobs, whatever it takes so that the children will have food on their plates, clothes on their backs, and roofs over their heads. My parents immigrated to this country long before I was born, with the hopes of offering their children a better and brighter future. My goal is to make their hopes for me a reality, not just for them but for myself and my future family. My career goals are to become an electrical engineer who works for a significant company like Con Edison, google, amazon, or something like that. I don’t just want to be a regular worker. I hope to acquire a master’s degree and maybe take up a minor in business management; that way, I might score a position in a company as a supervisor. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a knack for wanting to take things apart and study the mechanisms behind them; tech and motor vehicles are two subjects that I am extremely passionate about, which is why I’ve been so motivated to become a designer of these products, an engineer. Ultimately, I don’t have crazy aspirations in life; I don’t want to be rich, live a lavish life, or change the world; I want to achieve stability, live a comfortable life, I want to buy a house, own a nice car, and give my future children the lifestyle I wish I had, and that they deserve. I want to graduate college as soon as possible, but one constraint I’ve realized with this goal is time management; I’ve always had trouble with time management, and I think that this is something that I need to get better at if I want to achieve my goal. Through this class, I will evolve as a writer and learn how to compose professional pieces that will allow me to perform well in the real world as a professional. Through this class, I hope to form long-lasting connections with like-minded individuals who demonstrate the same academic drive as me. And after this class, I will go on to achieve my dream of becoming an engineer.