
To: Dr. Vincent Boudreau

From: Keleni Alvarez, Engineering Student at CCNY

Date: February 28, 2023

Subject: CCNY Needs Working Escalators

The NAC building of the CCNY campus has over ten sets of escalators that are essential to making sure students arrive at their classes quickly and comfortably; it has come to my attention that in the time I’ve attended CCNY, the escalators never seem to stay functioning for more than a month or so. I implore you to investigate the matter, as many students rely on the escalators as their mode of transportation through the NAC building.

The Efficiency of The Escalators

The escalators are the most space and time-efficient method by which the students travel across the NAC building; it is crucial that we keep this vital tool running at all times. The stairs and elevators are only so useful when you have hundreds of students to move at any given moment.

The Needs of Students

Physically challenged students depend on the escalators to get to and from their classes; these students may be incapable of taking the stairs. As we know, the NAC building tends to have a surge of students after noon, meaning elevators may have long queues.

The Alleviation of Traffic   

The escalators make up for the faults of the elevators in NAC. The elevators are slow, small, and can have long queues of students waiting, which could cost students valuable class time. If the escalators were more reliable, it would significantly reduce the traffic in NAC and allow students to arrive at their classes quicker and more comfortably.

Please contact me to further discuss this issue, I am available on weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm and can be reached at 1(347)-820-8384 or